A coupon is an item with a specified value. That value is redeemable in the form of a discount off your purchases. Coupons come in many forms from paper coupons to printable coupons to online coupons. (Please see the “Different Types of Discounts” for more information.) Every coupon’s value varies. Some are redeemable for 10% off your final purchase, while others entitle you to free shipping. It simply depends on the coupon’s specifications. Please read your coupon carefully to determine its specific value. Various manufacturers issue coupons, and they are redeemed by you, the customer. They can be used at physical retailers or to discount your online purchases.
History of Coupons
Coupons used to be found exclusively in the form of paper coupons. They were most often located in the Sunday newspaper as part of the inserted advertisement section. However, within the past decade or so, coupons have changed dramatically. With the increased use of the internet, coupons have gone through an electronic revolution of their own. As online shopping became increasingly popular, the use of online coupons also became more prevalent. Rather than clipping coupons and driving to the store to redeem them, more and more people are hopping onto their favorite retailer websites and redeeming online coupons.The evolution of coupons is allowing more and more people to save money without ever leaving the comfort of their homes.
What is a Promotional Code?
A promotional code is only found on an online coupon. Both paper coupons and printable coupons have barcodes to identify the specific type of discount. A promotional code is the online coupon equivalent. When you're finished shopping and enter the checkout page, there should be a box that asks for a discount code or a promotional code. Enter the promotional code in this box, and the discount specified on the coupon should be assessed and deducted from your bill. Always check the itemized list of your bill to make sure the discount was taken before you make the final purchase.
What is a Coupon Code?
A coupon code is synonymous with a promotional code. (For more information about promotional codes, please click on the “Promotional Code”) Coupon codes illustrate one reason why many people shy away from online shopping or using online discounts. To a novice online shopper, a lot of the terminology will be new and different. There will also be words like “coupon code” and “promotional code” which sound different but actually mean the same thing. But this minor hurdle should not deter people from shopping online. The terms might seem foreign to begin with, but as with anything new, allow a little time, and they will soon feel comfortable and familiar.
What is a Special Discount Link?
A Special discount link is a specific type of online coupon. It is essentially a special link to a retailer’s website. Many of these links are compiled on discount websites such as CouponWinner.com. They can be identified on CouponWinner.com by the phrase "Click to Redeem." Unlike an online coupon where you have to type in a promotional code at the time of checkout for a discount to be assessed, using the special discount link will automatically deduct the coupon’s value from your final bill. Again, if you’re using a discount link, no additional codes or actions need to be done for the discount to be taken. To ensure the discount was taken, always check your itemized bill before checkout.
What is an Ongoing Promotion?
Some online coupons have an expiration date, which should be clearly marked on the coupon. However, other online coupons simply say ongoing promotion. (On CouponWinner.com, this phrase will follow the word “Expires.”) An ongoing promotion simply means that coupon is valid until the retailers decide otherwise. Since it’s at the retailer’s discretion, the promotion could be revoked at any time, but generally speaking, these deals are staples of the website. One example of an ongoing promotion would be free shipping on Amazon.com for all orders over $25. This deal has been a part of the Amazon website for quite some time with no sign of changing any time soon. Generally, online coupons are much more likely than paper coupons to engage in ongoing promotions.
Why do Retailers Provide Coupons?
If coupons save the consumer money, it would be logical to think they cost the retailers. So why would retailers condone coupons at all? The answer is advertising. If a website has a promotion going, you’re all the more likely to shop at that website. If they didn’t have a promotion, or if you didn’t run across their coupon on CouponWinner.com, you might never have shopped there. You might never have even known about or visited their website. These coupons gain traffic to their site, and if you’re pleased with your purchase, you might return at a later date. Promotions are a great way to gain cheap advertising and gain your valuable repeat business.
Are Coupons Hard to Use?
No! Some people shy away from online shopping, because it’s relatively new. If you’re afraid of new technology, and think online shopping is only for the computer savvy, think again. All sorts of different people with different levels of computer knowledge use online shopping and online discounts every day. Online coupons are extremely easy to use, and CouponWinner.com only makes it easier. With a comprehensive site like CouponWinner.com, all your coupon needs are conveniently located at one website. Simply find the coupon you want, and type in the promotional code or click on the appropriate discount link. After you’ve done it once or twice, you’ll feel like an online shopping expert.
How do I Know Which Coupon to Use?
Knowing which coupon to use can seem tricky at first, but you’ll quickly catch on. If you’ve found multiple deals for the same website, compare the available deals. Say for example you have a free shipping discount ($8 value), a 10% off total purchase coupon, and $10 off total purchase coupon. You are spending $50 on your purchase.
All you need to do is a little bit of math:
With the free shipping coupon, your total purchase would be $50.
With the 10% off coupon, your total purchase would be $45 + $8 shipping, for a total purchase amount of $53
With the $10 off coupon, your total purchase would be $40 + $8 shipping, for a total purchase amount of $48.
In this instance, you should use the $10 off total purchase coupon. As this example illustrates, there is no simple answer for which coupon you should use. It will simply require a little figuring and working out on your part. This is all part of being a smart savvy shopper . Also, always remember to keep your eyes open for coupons that allow multiple discount codes and promotions.
How do I Know I Used the Coupon?
If you’re using a discount link, click on the link. When you’re finished shopping, go to the checkout page. There should be a box that shows your total bill, and it should be itemized. That is to say, it should break down exactly what you’re buying and what it’s charging you for each of those items. It should have a section for the items themselves, shipping, taxes, etc. Check this itemized list to ensure the discount was taken. If you’re using a promotional code, go to the retailer’s website. When you’re finished shopping, go to the checkout page. Enter the promotional code. Just like with the discount link, there should be a box containing your itemized bill. Check over the numbers and confirm that the discount was taken.