Use Coupons for All Purchases
The absolute best way to utilize coupons is to use them on all your purchases. It’s a simple principle but one that most shoppers surprisingly don’t follow. So if you want to get the most out of coupons, don’t think of them as something you only use at the grocery store for a few cents off a select cake mix. Remember that coupons can also entitle you to discounted hotels, car rentals, flights, restaurants, and much more. If you want to maximize your savings, use coupons for big ticket purchases as well as smaller items. It’s simple to do, and the savings will astound you.
Check Before Purchasing
If you have any questions about the validity of your coupon, either for an online coupon or a paper coupon, check before you start shopping. If you get to the checkout line or checkout page just to find your coupon doesn’t actually apply, all that time you spent shopping will have effectively been wasted. If there are any doubts whether your coupon will work or not, asking a simply question usually just takes a few minutes. And it could potentially save you hours of wasted shopping. Getting the most out of your coupons means actually being able to capitalize on the savings or discounts, and you can’t do that if the coupon can’t be applied to your purchases.
Read Coupons Carefully
Reading your coupon carefully (and this includes the fine print) is one of the simplest and quickest coupon-related tasks. It is also the one thing many people don’t take the time or bother to do. If you want to get the most out of your coupons, before you invest a single minute shopping, make sure you understand what your coupon applies to and all the stipulations that might limit its use. It usually doesn’t take longer than a few seconds to familiarize yourself with the details of your coupon, but it will almost always save you time and money by doing so.
Don't Use the First Coupon You Find
It’s a common shopping blunder to get too overzealous about coupon savings. When you find a coupon that you think is a really great deal, the impulse is to want to spend it right away. There are two major problems with that. First, you might end up buying something just to use the coupon, not because you actually need the item. And second, as great as you think your coupon is, there might be an even better coupon out there. For that reason, don’t use the first coupon you find. Wait and do your research. Make sure you’re getting the best deal possible before leaping into any purchase.
Use Your Coupons
The number one mistake bargain hunters make is taking the time and energy to find coupons and then not using them. It is surprisingly common to spend a large chunk of time diligently clipping coupons or surfing various websites to find the best deal, and then to let those coupons sit around until they expire. Don’t let this happen to you. It’s a waste of time for starters. And secondly, if you end up making your purchase when the coupon has already expired, you know that was money you just wasted. It might only have been a few dollars, but if you consistently let your coupons expire, it quickly becomes a sizeable amount of money you let go for no reason.
Use Multiple Coupons
Using multiple coupons is the key to getting multiple deals, and that means even more savings. There are two ways to go about using multiple coupons. First, use a lot of different kinds of coupons. In other words, diversify. If you like to shop both online and at physical retailers, use paper coupons, printable coupons, online coupons, rebates, and anything else you can get your hands on. The second way to use multiple coupons is to use more than one coupon for the same purchase. If you’re using paper coupons, make sure that the coupon doesn’t have a phrase on it saying something like “offer not valid with other discounts.”
Make Savings a Game
It’s a simple principle that you’re much more likely to stick to something if it’s fun. For everybody that doesn’t enjoy hunting for bargains, try to make saving money interesting to you. For example, keep a log of all the savings you’ve earned by using various coupons. Then enter into a friendly competition with a family member or friends to see who emerges as the better bargain hunter. The game, of course, can be tailored to your particular interests, but the principle remains the same. Keep savings fun. Just like spending money can be addictive, people are often surprised to find that so is saving it. Once you start to see those savings build, it becomes very difficult to go back to paying full price.
Don't Forget About the Manufacturer
Getting the most out of coupons might mean going straight to the source. If you write a letter to a company explaining your interest in their product and asking for coupons or discounts, you won’t find many companies that will refuse. Companies love to keep their customers happy, and providing coupons is just one small way to do that at a very minimal cost to them. There is also the added benefit that sometimes a manufacturer coupon and a newspaper coupon can be applied to the same product, whereas two newspaper coupons could not. Consult the fine print on your specific coupons to verify if you can combine offers.
Ask Questions
The golden rule of coupons and online shopping is to ask questions if you don’t know. The wonderful thing about online shopping websites is that help sections and website representatives are almost always readily available. Their job is to answer your questions and make your shopping experience as smooth as possible, so don’t be afraid to utilize them. Call the helpline if you have a question you want answered immediately, or send off a quick email if it can wait a few days. Website representatives will usually respond anywhere within 24 to 72 hours. The internet is an amazing resource for savings. Don’t let yourself miss out just because you didn’t want to ask a few questions.
Don't Be Afraid to Start
Doing anything new is always a little uncomfortable until you’re used to it. However, just because something is unfamiliar does not mean it’s not worth trying. If you’re not using coupons, chances are you’re missing out on a lot of deals you could be capitalizing on. So even if you don’t know anything about online coupons or various discount websites or even about online shopping in general, it’s never too late to start. You’ll be surprised at how easy it is once you’ve done it a few times. After all your savings start to add up, you’ll ask yourself why you hadn’t been doing it all along.