In this down economy, it is so important to find ways to save money. Many families start saving money by considering coupon clipping. Couponing has become quite the crazy lately, resulting in a several shows that exhibit "extreme couponers." While you may not intend to become an "extreme couponer," it is wise to consider using newspaper coupons in order to help stretch the family budget on the things you buy anyway, such as food and toiletries. However, one newspaper of coupon inserts may not be enough for you, especially if there is a high valued coupon inside. There are other ways to get a hold of newspaper coupon inserts if you are looking to expand your coupon stash. Here are a few ways to snag some extra inserts!
Buy More Papers
Many couponers that are looking for more inserts will save themselves time and just buy more papers. Whether they are paying full price or getting a discounted rate, this still seems like an expensive way to obtain a few inserts at a time. Plus, unless you're recycling the actual newspaper, this can be wasteful.
Purchase Inserts or Coupons Online
There are several coupon clipping services online, as well as sites that sell entire coupon inserts. If you know which inserts or coupons you want, this may be a viable option. Just know that you will have to pay upfront for the coupons and inserts, and take this into consideration when calculating your overall savings.
Ask Others
If you have neighbors or family that do not use their coupons from the newspaper, ask them to set them aside for you. Many will be willing to help you out if they find themselves wasting perfectly good coupons that someone they know could benefit from.
Trade Inserts
There are so many couponing sites and forums online that you can easily get hooked up with someone locally or within your state that may be willing to trade coupons and inserts with you. If you have a dog and a friend of yours has a baby, consider trading diaper coupons for pet food coupons. It's a win/win, and no good coupons go to waste!
Freecycle is an online community similar to Craigslist but functioning off of free trades or products. You can submit a request for coupon inserts on your local Freecylce board, and you may be surprised at who else may be willing to give them up to someone who can use them.
Dumpster Dive
While this definitely falls under "extreme," it can also be a great way to get a hold of newspaper inserts if you're truly serious about finding some great deals! In most areas, it is illegal to go through recycle bins or trash cans on the curb, but public dumpsters are often fair game!
These are just a few of many ways to obtain extra coupons or newspaper inserts. Just remember to keep it legal, and make sure that if you're spending money to get coupons, your savings are far exceeding your initial expenses.
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