Are you looking for coupons for your favorite products or find that many times the weekly newspaper does not have coupons for the products that you buy? If so, this couponing article offers tips on setting up a system for emailing food companies to request coupons. Also, how you write your email also can make a difference on how a company will respond. See our success example below.
►Where to Begin
The task of emailing companies for coupons can seem huge, but if you break it down to weekly goals of how many emails to send, the task becomes very doable. Many people first starting out will begin with two to three emails a week and increase it as they become more familiar with the process.
►Tips for Email Success:
1- Begin keeping a list of food products you buy regularly.
Example: Aunt Jemima Buttermilk Pancakes
2- Compose a brief note to email to the company. It is important to be polite and clearly state the following information:
If you have or have not tried the product.
How often you purchase the product.
The name of the store where you shop.
How you use the product. This is a good time to compliment it.
Your full name and mailing address.
Your email address.
Our family always enjoys a big Saturday morning breakfast together and the menu often includes a big batch of Aunt Jemima Buttermilk Pancakes. The pancakes are quick, delicious and always come out perfectly. I would enjoy receiving product information including recipe ideas, new products coming out and coupons which may be available in the future. Please add me to your company mailing list.
Thank you.
Your Full Name
Street Address
City, Town Zip code
Email address
Example of What Not to Write:
Send me coupons or I'll switch to the store brands.
Add me to your coupon list.
I'll try your product if you mail me a coupon.
3- Locate the product's website using Google or your favorite search engine.
Example: Google Results for Aunt Jemima Buttermilk Pancakes
4- Visit the website and locate the "Contact Us" (or similar wording) link.
Example: Aunt Jemima Buttermilk Pancakes contact page
5- Copy and paste your prepared note into the email and hit send.
6- Keep a list of the companies you contacted to avoid duplicating the process.
That's it!
►What Next?
You may or may not receive a response. The food companies receive a lot of consumer emails and most of the larger companies include response disclaimers. The important thing is not to get discouraged. If you email out enough requests, you will begin to find coupons in your mailbox and enjoy more savings on many of your favorite grocery products.
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