You can easily make some passive income on the web by selling coupons on eBay. It will not give you a lot of money but with just a few minutes in front of your PC two or three times a week, you can easily make a couple of hundred dollars a month. Most people get free coupons in the mail that they end up not using. Some of these coupons are for products that you do not need. Stop throwing your coupons away, you can easily sell them on eBay to make some cash.
New Mothers
Most new mothers usually get a large number of coupons for different types of baby products. Most of these coupons are not used and are usually thrown away. If you know someone who just had a baby, you can get a lot of these coupons from them and sell it on eBay. The new mother can also earn on the internet selling coupons on eBay. This is a completely free way of getting products to sell for hard cash.
Getting Other Coupons
It is not only baby coupons that are sold on eBay. There are coupons for all types of items. You cannot get enough coupons to sell by checking your mail box. If selling coupons on eBay will become part of your regular endeavor, you have to find other sources so that you can have a regular supply. You can register on several manufacturer websites to receive coupons. Just go to Google and search for free coupons. Stay away from sites that ask for any kind of fee. There are many websites where you can print free coupons.
Check Newspapers And Magazines
Free coupons can be found all around you. Check newspapers and magazines regularly to see what they have. Weekend newspapers usually have a lot of coupons. Your neighbors and friends should also not be left out. Tell them to give you the ones that they are not going to use. You can also check magazines that are placed in public places that you go to.
It is very easy to earn income by selling coupons on eBay. It is very easy to list the coupons that you have. All that you have to do is to write the product/store, the date of expiration, restrictions and also include a picture. The picture is free if you use Turbo Lister or eBay's sell your item form. Low-price coupons should be listed in sets to make them more substantial.
Rules For Selling Coupons On eBay
A few limits are placed on the sale of coupons on eBay and it is vital that you should be aware of these limits. You are not permitted to sell coupons that have expired and those that cannot be redeemed. All coupons that are sold through eBay have to be physically delivered to the buyer. You can use an auction listing service such as one found online to make things easier for you. You do not have to pay any cash to use the service online and it will save you a lot of time.
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